Tuesday, April 13, 2010



1 comment:

  1. It has now been fully determined that what the Left is trying to do to The United States is destroy it. No one, and I mean no one, can be as stupid as the Left is appearing to be by the terribly ruinous actions whic are destroying our economy, the Constitution, our Christian Religion, and I Don't mean Judeo-christian religion. There is no longer any Talmudist Zionist religion anymore since the time when the Hebrews' own Messiah was was Crucified by the wish of the Pharisees and Sadducees. The covenant is broken and by God's people who would not receive His Son. Christian is the Countrys Religion. The word Jew is really a mistaken use of the word Judean and has no meaning whatsoever. The word Jew was only first started to be used in the nineteenth century. The racial problem is a phony problem propagated by the Zionists, the Globalists and people like the NAACP, Rev Sharpten, Jessie Jackson, and all other organizations which were formed to fight Racism when they themselves are causing Racism by contiuing to incite Americans about the past, now,and the future. Any little thing that happens is blown way out of proportion. In a lot of casses the racist events are created such as the Duke LaCrosse Team case.
    The Bolshevists and Internatioinal Communists and Marxists are trying to change the United States into a new Soviet Union. Don't ever believe that they are Nazis, Nazis hated Bolshevism, Communism and that is why Germany fought the Russians in WWII. They idi want the Bolshevists and the athieistic parties to take over Germany or the world which started happening during the First World War. Bolsheviks are mostly Zioinists who are communists and through the communist party they intend to contfrol the earth. Germany was the only country to fight the Godless bolsheviks-Communists in World War Two. We, The United States fought against a Christian country and fought with the atheistic Bolsheviks-Communists. as soon as the Germans were defeated, what happened? The Russian Bobsheviks-Communists-Zioinists proceeded to take over the nations of the world, countru by country and so the Cold War Began. If Germany would have been left alone to defeat Russia the world now would have no Socialism, Communism, or Zionism. Germany could never have taken over the world. Germany is much too small and especially after fighting the Russians the Germans would have been so depleted that there would be no way for them to take over the world. Any one who thinks that they could is totally anti-German, or just plain stupid to the point of idiocy.
    If those who voted for Obama, voted for a front man, aperson who makes it possible to sneak the Zionist-Bolsheviks-Communists. He is doing this by Appointments to positions in our government and having associations with the SEIU, ACORN, and other unions and organizations. If you value your country you must defeat the Bolsheviks-Ziionists-Communists in any manner and by any means it will take to accomplish their demise. Keep your weapons no matter what they may try to do to take them away. You are going to need them. Any law passed by the Federal Government, or any state is against the Constitution. No law of any kind whether a direct prohibition or an end run law like taxing ammunition so high very few people would be able to afford ammunition.
    See you all on the firing line. Semper Fidelis. God bless all of you. Charles Mana.
